Your councillors are:
Councillor Phone Number
Mike Dutton (Chairman) 01926 493985 Andy Thomas (Vice Chairman) 01926 717230 Rhonda Treacy-Hales 07702 074461 Maggie Treacy-Hales 07753 677712 Michelle Nutt 07967 966269
CLERK: Brian Ryninks – 07708 177206
ADDRESS: Budbrooke Parish Council, c/o Budbrooke Community Centre, Field Barn Road, Hampton Magna, CV35 8RT
Click the links below for websites that we hope you find of use or interest (please note we have no control over external websites or their content) if you have any suggestions for any useful links then email
Government Services and Information
Police and Crime Commissioner Warwickshire
Age UK Warwickshire Care and Repair
Warwickshire Young Carers Project