Warwick District Council is required to research and create a Local Plan and in doing so is required to consult with neighbouring planning authorities. This is a high-level document that aims to establish future demands for employment, Commercial and Residential Development and associated Transport arrangements. Within this Parishes, Neighbourhoods and Communities can develop Neighbourhood Plans provided that they fit in with the overarching Local Plan.
You can view the Warwick District Council Planning website by clicking here
Parish Plan
Budbrooke Parish Council produced a Parish Plan in 2011 which can be viewed by clicking here. The concept and nature of Parish Plans was changed shortly after this was published, so the Council went on to work towards a Neighbourhood Plan.
During the development of its Neighbourhood Plan, Budbrooke Parish Council undertook surveys and responded to other relevant planning consultations these are listed below with links to the documents.
WRCC Housing Needs Survey Report
Budbrooke Parish Council Response to WDC Local Plan Consultation 2013
Budbrooke Parish Council Response to the Village Housing Options Consultation – January 2014
Parish Council response to Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation
Parish Council response to the Soundness of the Warwick District Council Local Plan
Local Plan Consultation