Funding Opportunity for Local Sports Clubs

Funding Opportunity for Local Sports Clubs

Sports England and Crowdfunder have launched an opportunity for community and physical activity organisations in Warwick District, to access funding of up to £10,000 to improve venues to encourage communities to get physically active.

Funding of £3.5 million is available to help community sport and physical activity groups in the West Midlands improve their facilities and bring communities together as part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games ‘United by Birmingham 2022 Community’ initiative.

This initiative provides community sports groups with an opportunity to create, enhance or redevelop sports facilities for the benefit of the community.

Cllr Liam Bartlett, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure said:

“This fantastic opportunity will enable communities and voluntary organisations in the District to access funding to refurbish and make repairs to venues that provide a valuable service to local communities. This funding is aimed at supporting and encouraging local communities to keep active, we hope to spread this opportunity as widely as possible to our local groups across the district, please let your local voluntary organisation know about this funding initiative.”

Sport England is delivering the funding in partnership with Crowdfunder UK and is supported by six local Active Partnerships including Think Active (Coventry, Solihull, Warwickshire).

For more information about this initiative and eligibility criteria for funding, visit the Sport England ‘Places and Spaces’ programme website

Additional information is also available, including timelines at